47d598dcec2eb0c0753871991e2e40c7Ever since I was little I’ve always gone through phases where I’d beg my mom to cut my hair into a short bob (I think under the influence of MK&A, most likely). This phase would occur maybe once or twice a year. During this time you’d catch me flipping my long locks under my hat, trying to create a faux bob and nagging my friends and family “SHOULD I DO IT!?” .. needless to say, I never did “do it”. The cut never happened all those years mostly because my mom would refuse to cut my long locks. At this age, I do look back and am very grateful that she did not, because I don’t think it would have suited me very well while growing up.

Why is cutting your hair such a big deal? “It’s only hair” “It will grow back” is what they say, right? Right. As much as it makes me a nervous wreck at the thought of my hair hitting the floor, It really is only hair. As I mature, I find my personal style becoming more define. With my wardrobe color palette pretty much consisting of only white, black, cream, gold, and blue (and heavy in textures like leather and denim) a simple and chic hair cut seems to be more and more fitting to me everyday. I’m not saying I’m going to be all primped and polished, I’d still wear my hair wavy and messy with a dirty vintage tee, don’t get that twisted. It just seems like lifting a weight off your shoulders (literally) and I’m all about being as minimal as possible.

As much as I love long hair, having had it all my life, sometimes It feels like I’m just hiding behind it. Like my hair is what people see first, then me. It’s almost like wearing this eye catching jacket, constantly, that you never take off. Actually, that just never comes off. I’m sure there are many people who are reading this that can relate to that feeling. Most will say you can do so much with long hair, which is true, but I never do anything with mine so It’s hard to reason with that argument.

So the pros to making the cut: Change. While change is not always good, it is necessary. Since fashion has always been my pulse, it makes sense that my clothes should speak louder than my hair, so a shorter ‘do will show off what I’m really trying to present to the world. Donating: I’m not sure where or to who, but I know there is some organization where someone needs my hair more than I do.

So does this blog post mean I’m chopping all my hair off tomorrow? No. Does it mean I will do it next week, next month, or next year? No. But considering It’s been all I’ve thought about the past week, and my boyfriend and family is tired of me flipping my hair into a faux bob, taking selfies, and repeating “SHOULD I DO IT?!”, this seemed like the proper place to put my thoughts before possibly taking the plunge.

Thoughts? Everyone on instagram has given great input, which really is helping me have the courage to do it. Who knows, this may be the year I finally do it!
