Fashion week is always so hard to juggle – between actually working 5 days a week and running around to events, I’m honestly confused how anyone can pull it off (unless you take off… or your daddy pays your rent) Either way, it is a time we all look forward to yet dread because the stress of it all. But once it’s over, we can’t wait for the next season to be here! Since I have to pick and chose what I can actually do between working, once Cole Haan and Tumblr invited me to their Subway Style adventure, I knew that this was on the priority list!

Cole Haan was full of surprises this year. They had a messenger drop off my first Subway Style clue, sent me to their store to pick out shoes, had myself and fellow bloggers meet them in the subway for a photoshoot, then sent to a secret location for a party. Here Nina Frazier of Mashable shot me getting shot, along with pretty much my whole adventure of the day for a story on their site.

Once we found the location, it all made sense. It was held in the NYC Subway Museum. Delish food, tasty drinks, good music, great company, and more importantly.. awesome shoes. A lovely way to kick off Fashion Week if I do say so myself.
Photographs by Nina Frazier