Saturday adventures in Brooklyn. I was driving around with my friend and we saw this rad Harley Davidson logo on a side wall in Williamsburg and had to pull over to snap a few photos. There’s lists upon lists upon lists as to why I love Brooklyn- but the fact that there’s art on just about every building around you is in my top 10 reasons. How could it not be?

What I’m Wearing: Vintage Judas Priest tee | American Apparel black bells | Vintage fur coat Vintage Chanel bag from Wasteland | Platforms sent to me from one of my best friends in LA | Vanessa Mooney necklace and hand chain | AGV claw ring


I’m pretty much obsessed with this hand chain by Vanessa Mooney. For the days when I don’t feel like layering in rings, this is the perfect simple solution. The winter in NYC is so cold, rings tend to make my hands freeze so this is definitely a look I’m going to opt for more!
Photographs by: Nephilim C