It is never too early or too late for a nice coffee. Much like that, there is no season that I won’t make cut off shorts a staple in my wardrobe. I’m sorry- I just refuse to put them in that “summer pile”. I actually don’t even have a “summer pile”.. that’s how much I hate that idea. If you like something, you should be able to make it work year around. The key is just to layer (and always keep a warm coffee in your hards) come the colder seasons!
What I’m Wearing: Vintage Harley tee from Beacons Closet | Vintage Levi shorts from a thrift shop on Bedford Ave in Williamsburg | Layered with a sleeveless hooded flannel and probably one of my top 5 favorite thirfted pieces.. this vintage skull perfectly distressed leather jacket – Both items from Salvation Army | Beehive style tights from Hanes Hosiery | Black booties by Nine West
Photos by the lovely Tan Camera.