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On a recent vintage buying trip I came across this 90’s CK denim jacket, tags attached and all! I nearly died. I realized it was large, but I love oversized, so I figured it would be fine. Little did I know, I’d end up wearing this size Large denim jacket as a denim mini dress instead. I love the boxy, oversized, look and feel of it. I knew the only thing that would compliment it perfectly, would be a 90’s CK cap. I’ve been on the hunt for one of these caps for awhile now, but have yet to come across one in my treasure hunts, so I resorted to good ol’ fashion eBay. Never fails.

Moving onto my other pieces of vintage / semi white trash accessories, I’ll have you notice my jumbo cigarette bag. I walked out of my sisters apartment in Greenpoint, and was running to the subway to make it to an early show during Fashion Week, and some family was having a little stoop sale. It was there that I spotted this awesome 80’s bag, and snagged it for a measly $2. Less than my coffee that morning. Got to love a morning that starts off that good!
