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Happy New Years Eve, everyone! I’ve been a little MIA this week from the blog because of the Holidays, as I’m sure most of you were busy with friends and family as well. Sometimes It’s nice (and needed) to take a second to yourself and take a step back, you know, take a break and reflect on all that you do and all that you have accomplished. For me, 2014 has been the most magical, unforgettable, life changing, and fulfilling year, thus far.

A little over a year ago, my boyfriend and I had just signed the lease for our vintage boutique, American Gypsy Vintage. Exactly one year ago  t o d a y , we  spent our New Years Eve drinking cheap campaign and listening to records while we unpacked all our boxes of inventory in our soon to be store. I remember it all like yesterday. I wore leggings, covered in dust from moving, black Vans, my dirty hair, perfectly disheveled in a topknot. Let’s just say, I won’t be recreating that look again this year. Instead, we will be dinning at our favorite sea food restaurant, Gerardo’s, sipping red wine while looking out the window, across the street.. at our store.

We will not only be celebrating the success of our business of almost one year, but we will also be celebrating our 3 year anniversary. My boyfriend and I met 3 years ago tonight, in Brooklyn, at a mutual friends New Year’s Eve party. We were both in the kitchen, searching high and low for a beer that someone might had hid or missed. In doing so, we managed to somehow knock over a huge painting of Kramer from Seinfeld, and between laughing and a mutual thirst, we decided to go dance the night away at a bar a few blocks over on South 4th st. From that moment on, we were inseparable.

Besides reflecting on everything I’ve accomplished this year, and all I want to accomplish in 2015, it’s really more of a time I reflect on how the universe works. It makes me think about every choice I’ve made that led me to where I am, who I’m with, and what I do today. What if I didn’t go to that party? Would we have never met? Would I not know my best friend, my business partner, and the love of my life, had I not gone that night? I’d probably be jaded somewhere right now, drinking in one of my old haunts in Brooklyn, working for bosses I hated, and never finding time to do what I love for a living. Maybe I would have lost time for my blog, who knows. All I do know is, I’m so thankful for whatever led me to go out that night, and for all the other steps after that led me to this perfect place I am in right now. The universe works in mysterious ways, but sometimes, it really is that simple. Sometimes, you’re put somewhere and everything you want is just laid infront of you. You just have to see it.

Since in this post I am wearing two of my favorite brands, Free People and Jeffrey Campbell, it leds me to, again, reflect on how lucky I am to work with such amazing brands and companies on here everyday. Blogging full time and owning a vintage boutique is more than two full time jobs, but I do what I love, with who I love, for a living. How could I ever complain? I’m beyond thankful for the blessed year 2014 was, and am so ready for more challenges, memories, adventures, and outfits (haha!) that await me in 2015.

3…. 2… 1.. Happy New Year!

Wearing: Free People dress (I’m obsessed with their party selection. I abuse the excuse of having to have holiday dresses, a New Years dress, and a birthday outfit just so I can treat myself to some of their amazing pieces… can ya blame me!? Check them out here!) | Jeffrey Campbell x Free People boots 
