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If you’ve been keeping up on my two recent posts on #INSPIREDand following me on instagram, you’ll know I’ve been itching to cut my hair off for more reasons than one. Last night I finally gathered enough courage (and enough mimosas) to go through with it. I know it’s “just hair” but It really was a huge deal to me, as I’m sure some would understand. Did I cry? Nope. I just read everyones positive comments on my instagram, Facebook, and blog that were encouraging me to do it, and it really helped more than you’d know. The recent messages, comments, and even text messages I’ve been getting from friends and strangers about my recent posts and having inspired them have been overwhelming. They are what inspired me and gave me that push to do this, so thank you for returning the favor. Using the internet to inspire and encourage each other on here is such a beautiful and refreshing thing. I’m glad we’re apart of it.

So enough mush, and more with the photos right? Here are way to many photos from today, my first official day with short hair. I’m still playing with different ways of styling it. This way I did a heavy side part and flipped it more to one side. If you check out this #INSPIRED post you’ll see how I look when I style it with my bangs. If you like one more than the other, leave your thoughts! Also, if you have any short hair tips.. let me hear them!

Thanks again guys. xx
